BIOBUTE is as the name suggests a natural alternative to chemical-based name sake.
BIOBUTE is a unique, natural formulation that combines the synergistic herbal properties of Guaiacum, Turmeric, Celery Skullcap, Passion Flower, Jamaican dogwood and Magnolia Bark designed to support the body's natural inflammation response.
Turmeric is a plant in the ginger family that has been used to provide health benefits for thousands of years. Its main active substance, curcumin, has been found to exert beneficial effects on many areas of the body, such as joints, the respiratory system, immunity, and for supporting a normal response to inflammation.
Passiflora incarnate (Passion Flower) is a herb with gentle sedative properties producing a relaxing effect. It has been shown to be a good alternative for animals who respond unfavourably to valerian.
Skullcap is a herb which contains a flavonoid compound that helps to relieve nervous tension related to pain or trauma. Unlike other herbal sedatives, skullcap does not bring about drowsiness nor dull the reflexes or interfere with motor coordination. Instead, skullcap acts to moderate an animal’s responsiveness to physical or nonphysical stimuli and helps alleviate general restlessness.
Celery has been investigated as an alternative therapy for arthritis in scientific studies. This is due to Celery’s proposed anti-inflammatory properties.
DISCLAIMER: No therapeutic claim is made or intended for this product. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any disease. If your horse experiences any adverse effects from using this supplement, discontinue use and contact your veterinarian.
How to Use
Type: Pain Relief, Bute